Tuesday, April 8

Is there any room left for the miraculous?

The NY Times has an article describing the birth of an Indian girl with two faces. She is visited by 100s of people everyday and honored as the Hindu god of valor incarnate. The NY Times dismisses this condition as mere superstition and explains that this is just a rare form of a condition known as "craniofacial duplication."

Science has given man an extraordinary ability to explain the world around us, but I wonder if it is to our detriment that we've closed off opportunities to see the miraculous. Where is the Holy Spirit working in such an inexplicable way that we have no choice but to attribute it to God? Modern and post-modern worldviews don't seem to allow the Holy Spirit room to work. Even spectacular supposed works of the Holy Spirit, like that of Benny Hinn (I have strong reservations about the guy based on what I've read), are explained as mass hypnosis. I will admit that his hook shot at 1:15 is pretty impressive though.

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